;Cal. Berber-Morocco ;The Berber calendar is the annual calendar used by Berber people in North Africa. It corresponds exactly to the Julian Calendar. ;The Berber Academy (Paris-based Berberist group) set a year zero at 950 BC (a common estimate of the accession year of the Egyptian Pharaoh Shoshenq I,), which allows a convenient conversion of AD years by the addition of 950—thus 2000 AD was the year 2950 in this system. ;The Shoshenq era has had only a limited acceptance among Berbers, many of whom continue you use the calendar as traditionally, without any fixed calendar era. ;For a syntax description see PTBSync Help! ;If you find an error please contact: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com LANGUAGE=UTF8 IMAGE=Holiday_days.gif COMMENT=Updated January 12, 2018 \nmonth names: Riffian (north Morocco)/Shilha (south Morocco) \nSE = Shoshenq era \nannual calendar used by Berber people in North Africa. It corresponds exactly to the Julian Calendar \nvalid from March 1, 1800 (NS) to February 28, 2100 (NS) 01.1.+13Dy>1900<2101 =>Yennayer (Berber/Amazigh calendar) ;English=Berber/Amazigh New Year 01.1.+13Dy>1900<2101 =1 Yennayer/innayr #-0950 SE (Berber/Amazigh calendar, 31d) ;English=January Julian Calendar (OS) 01.2.+13Dy>1900<2101 =1 Yebrayer/brayr #-0950 SE (Berber/Amazigh calendar, 28/29d) ;English=February Julian Calendar (OS) 01.3.+13Dy>1899<2100 =1 Mares/mars #-0950 SE (Berber/Amazigh calendar, 31d) ;English=March Julian Calendar (OS) 01.4.+13Dy>1899<2100 =1 Yebrir/ibrir #-0950 SE (Berber/Amazigh calendar, 30d) ;English=April Julian Calendar (OS) 01.5.+13Dy>1899<2100 =1 May/mayyu(h) #-0950 SE (Berber/Amazigh calendar, 31d) ;English=May Julian Calendar (OS) 01.6.+13Dy>1899<2100 =1 Yunyu/yunyu(h) #-0950 SE (Berber/Amazigh calendar, 30d) ;English=June Julian Calendar (OS) 01.7.+13Dy>1899<2100 =1 Yulyuz/yulyuz #-0950 SE (Berber/Amazigh calendar, 31d) ;English=July Julian Calendar (OS) 01.8.+13Dy>1899<2100 =1 Vuct/ghusht #-0950 SE (Berber/Amazigh calendar, 31d) ;English=August Julian Calendar (OS) 01.9.+13Dy>1899<2100 =1 Cutembir/shutambir #-0950 SE (Berber/Amazigh calendar, 30d) ;English=September Julian Calendar (OS) 01.10.+13Dy>1899<2100 =1 Ktuber/ktubr #-0950 SE (Berber/Amazigh calendar, 31d) ;English=October Julian Calendar (OS) 01.11.+13Dy>1899<2100 =1 Nwambir/nuwambir #-0950 SE (Berber/Amazigh calendar, 30d) ;English=November Julian Calendar (OS) 01.12.+13Dy>1899<2100 =1 Dujembir/dujambir #-0950 SE (Berber/Amazigh calendar, 31d) ;English=December Julian Calendar (OS) ;seasons/strong periods/Gates of the Year (tibbura useggwas) 01.2.+13Dy+14Dy>1900<2101 =tafsut ;Note=15 Yebrayer/brayr ;English=Spring ;Gregorian date: 28 february 01.5.+13Dy+16Dy>1899<2100 =anebdu ;Note=17 May/mayyu(h) ;English=Summer ;Gregorian date: 30 May 01.8.+13Dy+16Dy>1899<2100 =amwal/amewan ;Note=17 Vuct/ghusht ;English=Autumn ;Gregorian date: 30 August 01.11.+13Dy+15Dy>1899<2100 =tagrest ;Note=16 Nwambir/nuwambir ;English=Winter ;Gregorian date: 29 November 01.12.+13Dy+11Dy>1899<2100 =idan imellalen (20d) ;Note=12 to 31 Dujembir/dujambir ;English=white nights ;Gregorian dates: 25 December - 13 January 01.1.+13Dy>1900<2101 =idan tiberkanin/isttafen (20d) ;Note=beginning on the first day of Yennayer/innayr ;English=black nights ;corresponding to the Gregorian 14 Januar 01.2.+13Dy-5Dy>1900<2101 =Lhusum/imbarken (10d) ;Note=ten days straddling the months of Yebrayer/brayr and Mares/mars ;last five days of furar and the first five of Mares/mars 01.7.+13Dy+11Dy>1899<2100 =Ssmaym/Awussu (40d) ;Note=12 Yulyuz/yulyuz to 20 Vuct/ghusht ;English=Dog Days ;Gregorian dates: 25 July to 2 September 01.10.+13Dy+16Dy>1899<2100 =Iweggiben ;Note=17 Ktuber/ktubr ;English=one may start ploughing his fields ;These entries were added by: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com - http://users.telenet.be/wdew/ ;The abbreviations {d} {m} {e} {y} ... are explained on http://users.telenet.be/wdew/Basis%20PTB/BasisEN.htm ;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berber_calendar